How Ghostwriting Can Help You Live the Life of Your Dreams...
Even if You’ve Never Been a Professional Writer

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 What Ghostwriting IS:

A sought-after service where you partner with community leaders, business tycoons, inspiring individuals, and even regular people to give voice to their stories and share their message with the world.

 What Ghostwriting Is NOT:

Lone-wolf writer working for peanuts and struggling to find enough work to barely earn enough money to buy the lattes people assume we drink all day.

Then I invite you to download my FREE “Ghostwriter’s Guide,” in which you’ll discover: 

  • Why ghostwriting is the perfect way to dip your toes in the waters of freelance writing - whether you just need some extra cash or you are looking for a new career
  • Why ghostwriting as a service is in such high demand - and why you won’t have to spend a dime on marketing
  • How to find the people in your immediate circle who may be clamoring for ghostwriting services - and how to sign them as your first client
  • ​How to price your ghostwriting services so you don’t get taken to the cleaners
  • And so much more!
So... are you in?
Hi, I’m Nick Pavlidis.
I started ghostwriting as a side gig, writing from 8:30 to midnight every night while working a demanding corporate job as a lawyer. Within ten months of landing my first ghostwriting job, I said goodbye to my 80-hour-a-week job and hello to a rewarding, challenging, exhilarating ghostwriting career that has afforded me the opportunity to design the life I’ve always wanted - all from the comfort of my own laptop.
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